Each day that passes without a fever... I am thankful,
each day that passes without complaints of pain... I am thankful,
each day that passes with less complaints of stiffness... I am thankful.
I am thankful that we started this journey a year ago and not this year...
we have gotten two blizzards in the past week, the first 30 inches, and the second 2o inches...with 50 inches of snow on the ground this week I can't imagine what we would have done last year...spending those days in the hospital and not able to switch off with J, having one of us snowed in with the other 3 children.
Did I mention H1N1...last year no one knew of such a thing...this year our three other children would not have been allowed to visit Bean in the hospital...I don't know how any of us would have handled that one either.
See for your self below...
Children's hospital didn't have any Internet access and cell reception wasn't great either. So our time there was spent updating friends and relatives through facebook postings from my blackberry and a photo journal of pictures taken on that same blackberry. Some were posted to facebook...but most weren't "post worthy." I am now rethinking that and want to make sure I remember.
Bean's first night in the hospital...she did smile and she did have a rash.

View from of our room

"Dr. Will" - Bean's resident - playing Zingo with Bean - God bless Dr. Will wherever he is now, he truely made a difference during our stay

Bean's Room and set up - signs from friends at school, art supplies from the volunteers at the hospital, and a "ducky attention diverter" from B and family!

Grammy came and took some much needed naps together (especially so J and I could go home to the 3 other kids one night together).

One of two pairs of PJ's I will always associate with her stay...a picture of her knees that didn't "work"...a picture of my 5 year old who couldn't walk....in a stroller

Bean willed herself to sleep during her bone scan so she wouldn't need another "needle!"

The fantastic social worker that helped Bean and her fellow patient deal with all the procedures they were undergoing...and all the blood draws!

Playroom right next door to Bean's room where we spent lots of time.

Even when Bean had a fever and was too week to participate Belle, Bob and Puppy got to be close by - but loved the day the dogs came!

The playroom that Bean, when she was up to it, was able to have a regular playdate with her brothers and sister!

Bean's eye on her stay :
(including the other PJ's that I will never forget)

Bean and the family right after she had her bone marrow test to make sure she did not have leukemia...waiting for results....and then 2 hours later...
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